
Author Comments: 3113
deleted user
Dau den,da diena?
2017-10-31 11:50:01
da nē dzīvi redzējuši! 8)
2017-10-31 11:49:36
deleted user
Pele uz brīvdienām irē betona vibrovāli?
2017-10-31 11:49:24
deleted user
Čau Den, kā iet, kā diena :-D
2017-10-31 11:49:15
Fake, Tu te?
2017-10-31 11:48:33
deleted user
Skatos, te pārsvarā ginekologi :-D
2017-10-31 11:48:11
deleted user
Jā ,četras zvaigznes, gribētos vēl piekto, bet nu tad jau redzēs :reeka:
2017-10-31 11:47:24
deleted user
Irvin, man muca, neko nekacaju :cry:
2017-10-31 11:47:15
uzkačāta vāvere visu sexa laika saspiež locekli, šaurā vāverē grūti iebāzt, tad vāvere pielāgojas pie locekļa!
2017-10-31 11:46:50
deleted user
Opi, Tavs maziņais izgāja kontroli un pat dabūja ISO? :shoks:
2017-10-31 11:46:40
deleted user
Pele, tev kačata vai parastā tā vāvere? Nu tenažieru zāli apmeklējusi vai tikai hantelītes mājā cilājusi? :reeka:
2017-10-31 11:46:01
deleted user
Tad Tev vēl viss priekšā...
2017-10-31 11:44:41
Nav bijusi uzkačāta vāvere 8) kurai jūt muskuļus :lol: :? :?
2017-10-31 11:42:16
deleted user
Tad jau jāiet bij man ar pie Mika uz to semināru, ko šamais te kautkur taisīja :-D :-D :-D Cloud, man jau pietiek ar ISO kvalitātes vadīšanas sertifikātu :-D :-D :-D
2017-10-31 11:42:11
deleted user
Dāmas, kā reiz.. samācīsies visādus brīnumus pa dienu un vakarā pirtiņā varēs praktizēt :) Irvin, nezinu.. :) aiziej, pajautā :D
2017-10-31 11:40:54
deleted user
Un sertifikātu ar dod ,par apgūto kursu un noklausīto stundu skaitu, praktiskajām iemaņām ? :reeka:
2017-10-31 11:40:15
deleted user
redz, kur pasākums, uz kuru gribu iet.. vēl gan neesmu izlēmusi. "Seminar for Women "Healing Love for Modern Women" with Edita Esenku (Lithuania) will take place on November 11 at 12:00-17.00. It will be held in Urban Yoga Riga, Dzirnavu iela 53, Rīga. ///// ABOUT SEMINAR ///// This practical seminar is opening ancient secrets for modern women. Taoist healing love practices was known 5000 years ago only in the emperors circle, but today you have a posibility to practice them at home. Taoist practices will give you: - Better health of your physical body - Hormone balance - Emotional stability and happiness - Help to reach orgasm and multiorgasm - Better relationship between men and women - Lighter and shorter menstruation, PMS Program of the seminar: -qigong for the spinal cord -six healing sounds and inner smile meditations -training of the love muscles by squeezing and releasing them on the mat -breast massage -teaching how to work with the jade egg (it will be possible to get the real jade egg for 60€) -moving the sexual energy in the microcosmic orbit -theory of three levels of the women orgasm and how to reach it. Seminar will be held in english. ///// WHY TO COME? ///// -QIGONG is helping to release energy blocks in the body and helps to flow chi (energy). -During the six healing sounds MEDITATION you release the negative energy and transform it in to positive. -The SEXUAL KUNG FU exercises are helping to strengthen love muscles, transform sexual energy – you have shorter menstruation, learn how to reach orgasm and how to go in to multiorgasms. ///// ABOUT TEACHER ///// The teacher of the seminar is Edita Esenku – Healing Tao instructor Lithuania, the first healing love instructor of master Mantak Chia in the Baltic states. She was certificated by the grandmaster Mantak Chia in Thailand to teach healing love, qigong, meditations and Taoist yoga. "My experience was that I could't reach any orgasm and the Taoist practices helped me to go to all described levels of the women orgasm. I will be happy to teach in Latvia – it will be unique possibility for you to get the teaching, for that I am flying every year to Thailand". ///// APPLICATION & FEES ///// Fee for the participation: 50 EUR Apply via e-mail: [email protected] When you apply you will be requested to pay 25 EUR to save your spot at seminar. Only after payment of 25 eur your participation in the seminar will be confirmed. Please, apply timely as there are limited spots in this seminar. In case there won't be enough participants seminar can be cancelled. In case of cancellation your pre-payment will be returned."
author photo
2017-10-31 11:38:39
deleted user
2017-10-31 11:37:40
deleted user
nezinu gan kā ar to dzemdēšanu tur ir,neesmu dzemdējis. :-D
2017-10-31 11:35:38
Kaudij pielāgoties spēj, bet vidusmēriem + vai - pāris cm lomu nespēlē, bet kad stutē iekšā monstrus, tad beigas... nav tur nekāda mistērija, vienkārši vāvere ir kā matu gumija... var vairāk ievērt, var mazāk ievērt, bet ja pārslogos pipec pienāks.... daudzi ražotāji uz savu produkciju pat raksta cik lielu izmēru svārstības gumija nedeformēies....uz prežiem pat ir... a tu te stāti, ka vāverē teju ielikti mistiki spēki ! :lol:
2017-10-31 11:34:46