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deleted user
nirgaaajies, ja.... :twisted:
Nometas uz mana balkona margām Kaija no jūras un projām skrien Tā tu atnāci mani sargāt Projām aizgāji kā arvien Kad tu atkal atpakaļ nāksi Redzēsi jūrmalu kailu un sēru Un tu dvēseli meklēt sāksi Kuru vēl vakar tev vaļā vēru es Piedz. Bet tā kaija virs jūras lido Dvēsele nosala, kad biju viens Tumšo tumšo ūdeņu vidū Vientuļas zelta ugunis degs
2008-02-28 16:01:47
deleted user
Ja arviic dzied tas noziimee, ka koma atkal klaat:):)
2008-02-28 16:01:43
deleted user
Arviic,sen jau zini,ka Tevi mīlu,2-reiz prasīji,svaidījies neziņā, 2reizapstiprināju,patīk tādi romantiskie intelektuāļi,nevis 7 minūšu spermas izlaidēji un stulbie klusētāji/nelegālā biznesa bīdītāji...Bet,Tu...Tu te visu portālu esi sevī iemīlinājis,mmm...A es tā cerēju,grauzu akrila nagus un cerēju/atkal jāiet jauni līmēt-kādi Tev patīk.MĪĻAIS,mmm.ko lai tur ieķēpā tagad???Lauztās sirdis/polšus/grupņuikus-3 nedēļas staigāšu,visur uz galda rociņas likšu/,mmm :nokiss:
2008-02-28 15:27:02
deleted user
armiss,aizdzīvo līdz maniem 41,parunāsim,davaj,kas ir biezā sieva un kas ir biezā šķirtene...sorry,tu jūtīgs,apvainoju,a tā mana dzīve kopš latvijas neatkarības atjaunošanas.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
2008-02-28 15:12:01
deleted user
lola21 tu gribi??? :)
2008-02-28 15:09:14
deleted user
Nu jus te laizat :doh:
2008-02-28 15:07:54
deleted user
ohhh,kādi vīrieši,kādi vīrieši...meitenes,jaunās,ņemiet,acis neaizmiegušas...dziedās jums gultā,mežā un lidmašīnā...tas ir 21.gadsimta retums...čakarētāju/meļu/killeru laikā...tāāādi vīrieši...labāk pirtiņa un puisis ar balsi un ģitāru nekā klusajā centrā stiklā/betonā/metālos iedizainējies biezais ar 3 ārlaulības bērniem un 10 mīļākajām pasaules metropolēs,hlamīdijām uz čļena,aizdomām par AIDS no Taizemes maukas.../viedi vārdi,lolla21,kas visās kombinācijās dzīvojusi;viedi.../davaj,met akmeni,kko rausties...visu par bbbbiezajiem netīreļiem zinu,ne pusdienlaiks viņiem nepaiet bez stripīza inficētajām(diemžēl!!!) maukām pēc izsaukuma :cry: :cry: :cry:
2008-02-28 15:03:30
deleted user
Es veltīgi dariju
Tevi rokās pacēlis... Ar nožēlu skatos- Neder Tev tā...
2008-02-28 14:46:05
deleted user
uhtii kadi talanti.... :yo: :mrgreen:
2008-02-28 14:43:47
deleted user
You can tell by the way
She walks that she\'s my girl You can tell by the way She talks, she rules the world You can see in her eyes that no one is her Chi She\'s my girl, my Supergirl And then she\'d say it\'s OK I got lost on the way But I\'m a Supergirl and Supergirls don\'t cry And then she\'d say it\'s all right I got home late last night But I\'m a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly And then she\'d say that nothing can go wrong When you\'re in love what can go wrong And then she\'d laugh the nighttime into the day Pushing her fears further along And then she\'d say it\'s OK I got lost on the way But I\'m a Supergirl and Supergirls don\'t cry And then she\'d say it\'s all right I got home late last night But I\'m a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly Then she\'d shout down the line tell me she\'s got no more time Cause she\'s a Supergirl and Supergirls don\'t cry Then she\'d scream in my face tell me to leave, leave this place Cause she\'s a Supergirl and Supergirls just fly She\'s a Supergirl a Supergirl She\'s sowing seeds she\'s burning trees She\'s sowing seeds she\'s burning trees She\'s a Supergirl a Supergirl A Supergirl, my Supergirl Tas tev Kristiiin.... :razz:
2008-02-28 14:36:24
deleted user
...īstā vietā šādām lietām :hit:
2008-02-28 14:35:38
deleted user
tu neesi jau zem graadiem? :lol:
2008-02-28 14:34:00
deleted user
Nu, nebūs Ok kā bija, būs OK kkā savādāk! Tak neķer kreņķi! Bučas! Uzvedies!
2008-02-28 14:32:36
deleted user
ok nebuus vairs nekad...nekad vairs nebuus taaa kaa agraaak....
Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? \'Cause I saw the end before we\'d begun Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won So I took what\'s mine by eternal right Took your soul out into the night It may be over but it won\'t stop there I am here for you if you\'d only care You touched my heart you touched my soul You changed my life and all my goals And love is blind and that I knew when My heart was blinded by you I\'ve kissed your lips and held your head Shared your dreams and shared your bed I know you well, I know your smell I\'ve been addicted to you Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me I am a dreamer and when I wake You can\'t break my spirit - it\'s my dreams you take And as you move on, remember me Remember us and all we used to be I\'ve seen you cry, I\'ve seen you smile I\'ve watched you sleeping for a while I\'d be the father of your child I\'d spend a lifetime with you I know your fears and you know mine We\'ve had our doubts but now we\'re fine And I love you, I swear that\'s true I cannot live without you Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me And I still hold your hand in mine In mine when I\'m asleep And I will bear my soul in time When I\'m kneeling at your feet Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me Goodbye my lover Goodbye my friend You have been the one You have been the one for me I\'m so hollow, baby I\'m so hollow I\'m so, I\'m so, I\'m so hollow I\'m so hollow, baby I\'m so hollow I\'m so, I\'m so, I\'m so hollow.
2008-02-28 14:31:10
deleted user
Arvīt, turies! Būs OK :kiss:
2008-02-28 14:29:48
deleted user
Arvīc,ceru,ka būs ok.
2008-02-28 14:19:14
deleted user
100% buus ok :lol:
2008-02-28 14:18:42
Paneslo....dziesmas,dziesminas :roll:
2008-02-28 14:18:04
deleted user
dantes....tikko aizsuutiju draugos taadu veestuli miilotajai.... 8) cerams buus ok... :?
2008-02-28 14:17:29
deleted user
nu ssitas jau pa teemu :lol:
2008-02-28 14:17:03
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